Fillmore USD – Fillmore High School New CTE Buildings

Westgroup Designs helped Fillmore USD obtain $6 Million in matching funds for the Career Technical Education Facilities. This project consists of the demolition of two classroom buildings for two new buildings, dedicated to Transportation and Agricultural Career Technical Education programs that will harbor teamwork, creativity, and problem-solving skills to prepare students to be agile in college and beyond.

Westgroup Design’s architectural solution will bring two new CTE buildings to the campus that will support Transportation (i.e. automotive) and Agriscience/Agricultural Mechanics pathways. The facilities will give students hands-on learning experiences with state-of-the-art automotive diagnostics and repair equipment, greenhouse horticulture, and wood, metal and CNC fabrication.

“It’ll breathe a breath of fresh air onto the campus and into the community,” said Superintendent Dr. Adrian Palazuelos, and will allow the District “…the ability to realize the dream of creating the facility that our students deserve.”

The 1-Story, 8,500 sf Transportation Building, for Fillmore HS’s Transportation Sector, successfully houses program spaces for Systems Diagnostics, and Service & Repair. It consists of an Auto Repair Lab with 4 lift bays and 1 alignment bay, and a Classroom and Engine Lab.

The 2-Story, 13,500 sf Agriculture Building primarily consisting of a Digital Fabrication “Fab” Lab, Wood Shop, Metal Shop , Wood / Metal Shop Shared Classroom, Science Classroom, and Green House.

As part of Fillmore USD’s improvement efforts at Fillmore High School, Westgroup Designs is also currently modernizing the campus electrical infrastructure to provide adequate bandwidth for future facility and curriculum needs.


Fillmore Unified School District


Fillmore, CA


22,000 sf


Interior Planning, Architecture and Design, Branding

“It’ll breathe a breath of fresh air onto the campus and into the community.”

- Fillmore Unified School District