Our Philosophy

Enriching learning environments to develop more effective, more engaged, more compassionate students, graduates and global citizens.

Change is happening and funding is limited. These are the fundamental challenges facing academic institutions at all levels.

Learning doesn’t only happen in the classroom. Learning is, in essence, a social activity. Social interaction, chance encounters, and navigating the waters of diversity represent the experiential component of the complete education of any student. It’s how the lessons from the classroom are integrated into a student’s being. Supportive learning environments that can engage students in active, interdisciplinary learning through flexible and participatory settings plant the seeds of future innovation. To consider the entire campus as the classroom is to recognize the experiential value of all the spaces and places outside of the classroom per se that support recruitment, retention and persistence; that nurture and support community connectivity; and that form the basis for long-lasting memories and enduring alumni commitment. Complementing the evolving role of technology in education, well-designed physical environments remain especially relevant to already technologically-connected millennial and post-millennial cohorts. To promote learning as a lifelong activity, we seek to unlock the experiential potential of all spaces within a school or campus environment.

Acknowledging education’s critical role in the global knowledge economy while assisting educational institutions to do more with less, we leverage our interdisciplinary practice to provide creative academic planning and design strategies that are economical today and sustainable tomorrow.
