Intriguing mythical creatures danced the tango, roamed magical lands, and lurked the depths of the runway – creating a fantastical night that gave everyone something to believe in.

IIDA Orange County’s 16th Annual Haute Couture “Believe – A Mythical Night” successfully dove into the mythical realm of mysterious creatures. The Loch Ness Monster, Unicorns & Pegasus, and Dragons were just a few of the many beings that graced the runway.

Combining Greek mythology and Spanish bullfighting, WD’s Minotaur Tango won over its spectators. The performance began with the Minotaur being lured away from his labyrinth by our Matador, followed by a battle for dominance over one another through a riveting tanda that turned into a captivating tango. The epic standoff ended with the rise and fall of our beloved characters, and in tradition, roses tossed on stage from the audience.

Westgroup Designs created ornate shoulder structures, fringed pants, multiple matador skirts, and intricate accessories - all within the allotted 1-hour time frame - while using only materials from the Interior Design industry. Upholstery fabric remnants, mosaic tile, wall covering, metal laminate, and paper mâché architecture plans were some of the key materials in the design of our two looks.

Upping the ante from winning last year’s People’s Choice Award, WD’s Minotaur Matador duo danced their way to second place!

A big thank you to our sponsors Knoll and KnollTextiles!

Original Design Concepts and Color Palettes